1845 S. Pine Lake Rd. Pinetop | (928) 367-2199
1845 S. Pine Lake Rd. Pinetop | (928) 367-2199
The Pinetop Fire District adopted and enforces the 2018 International Fire Code (IFC) with local amendments that establish the minimum fire and life safety requirements for a wide range of activities within the District. In addition, the Pinetop Fire District adopted and enforces the 2018 International Wildland Urban Interface Code (IWUIC) with local amendments. If you have questions regarding the code or need to schedule an inspection, you can reach our Prevention Division at 928-367-2199.
Our goal is create a safer community and reduce the impact of fire through education, engineering, collaboration, and enforcement. We strive to build partnerships that will ensure our community is safe, resilient, and aligned with current codes and best practice.
To view the 2018 IFC click here.
To view the 2018 IWUIC click here.
To view the 2018 IFC Pinetop Fire District amendments click here.
To view the 2018 IWUIC Pinetop Fire District amendments click here.
To view the Signage specification sheet click here.