Pinetop Fire District

1845 S. Pine Lake Rd. Pinetop | (928) 367-2199

Pinetop Fire District

1845 S. Pine Lake Rd. Pinetop | (928) 367-2199


Recently, the Pinetop Fire District purchased property at 234 W. White Mountain Blvd. for the future site of Fire Station 10.  Currently, the district is served by two stations – Station 11 on the 260 and Pine Lake Road and Station 12 on Buck Springs.  Our stations are mostly located in the eastern portions of our district, Fire Station 10 on the western boundary would make sure that we have full coverage of our service area to ensure that we can maintain fast emergency response times for all of our residents. 

We have secured a federal grant to help pay for our wildland fire fighting activities and provide base of operations for fighting wildfires at Station 10.  According to Senator Kelly, "This project will construct a new wildland fire response station, which will house the district’s wildland fire response division. Pinetop Fire District serves a high-risk wildfire community, and this new facility will prevent and combat area wildfires."

The district is considering co-locating an emergency service response station at Fire Station 10 to leverage these grants to allow us to use taxpayer money as effectively as possible.  The district may consider a bond to provide the necessary local match for the wildland fire operations as well as expand coverage with Fire Station 10 in a financially responsible way.