Pinetop Fire District

1845 S. Pine Lake Rd. Pinetop | (928) 367-2199

Pinetop Fire District

1845 S. Pine Lake Rd. Pinetop | (928) 367-2199


On May 20, 2024, the Board of Directors for the Pinetop Fire District voted unanimously to call for a special election to seek voter approval to issue bonds for the purposes of building additional facilities, purchasing emergency equipment, and making other capital expenditures to improve fire and emergency coverage.  The decision was the culmination of several months of work consulting with bond experts, modeling response times, exploring financial impacts, and other research.  The $11.6 million proposal will now appear on the November 5, 2024, General Election Ballot. 

Bonds are used by Fire Districts to finance large capital projects like public safety facilities.  The district sells bonds to investors to generate funding for the projects and then pays the investors back with interest over a period of time, in this case an expected repayment of 25 years.  The sale and issuance of such general obligation bonds must first be authorized by a majority of the qualified electors of the District at a special bond election called for such purposes before the district can proceed. The estimated average tax rate for the proposed bond authorization is $0.4163 per $100 of net assessed limited property value.

>>Click here to read the board resolution

>>Click here to read the press release

>>Click here to learn more about Fire Station 10

>>Request for Arguments "For" and "Against"