1845 S. Pine Lake Rd. Pinetop | (928) 367-2199
1845 S. Pine Lake Rd. Pinetop | (928) 367-2199
"Where We Live, How We Live… Living with Wildfire"
I want to take this opportunity to reflect on the accomplishments of the District and its members in 2015 and 2016. The landscape of the fire service is ever changing, and the Pinetop Fire District is at the forefront of that change. This year, the Department continued to expand its scope of emergency response services by adding a Fire Adapted Community Goal, and also continued to fortify and strengthen other high-quality programs, such as the Community Firewise Designation and preparedness.
Our commitment to the community continues to be a strong point to our services. For one, we have been successful in our efforts to continue to nurture and grow the grant-funded defensible space and chipping program. This year the district received its first grant for this program in 2016, we are planning to treated150 acres of land in fire-prone areas in the Pinetop Fire District and provided consultation and advice to well over 550 residents on how to better protect their properties through the use of defensible space. Besides the wildland hazardous fuels reduction program, we are also active partners in the community through such programs as smoke detector replacements and CPR classes.
While the District is fully engaged in providing the highest level of fire protection and emergency services today, it also has an eye towards the future as well. Our growing partnership with the local Regional Dispatch System will ensure that basic emergency services are deployed in an efficient manner while providing leading edge technology.
As noted above, there is much to be proud of this past year. Our accomplishments and aggressive efforts towards seeking out and incorporating the latest firefighting techniques and programs into our already strong knowledge base has allowed us to live up to our mission statement, which is "to protect lives and property by providing superior fire suppression and emergency medical services, supported by prevention through responsible and innovative regulatory and educational programs." We have been proudly serving this community since 1955 and look forward to providing an even higher level of service in 2016 and beyond.
Jim Morgan, Fire Chief
The original Sitgreaves Communities’ Wildfire Protection Plan (SCWPP) for the "at-risk" communities located within the Sitgreaves National Forest (SNF) managed within the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests (A-SNFs) was developed in 2004 immediately after passage of the Healthy Forests Restoration Act of 2003 (HFRA) and in the aftermath of the Rodeo-Chediski Fire. The 2004 SCWPP analysis was developed to provide for wildfire protection planning for nine at-risk communities in Apache, Coconino and Navajo Counties. The 2004 SCWPP was one the earliest Community Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPP) constructed to be compliant with HFRA and approved by the Arizona State Forestry Division (ASFD), local fire departments, municipalities, and the A-SNFs. Navajo and Apache Counties have agreed that the 2004 SCWPP should be reviewed, updated and revised where necessary, to document wildfire mitigation progress to date, re-analyzing wildfire risk concurrent with the National Forest Southwest Region Wildfire Risk Assessment, and by using fire behavior modeling tools and programs that were not available in 2004.
The Bureau of Indian Affairs Fort Apache Agency and the White Mountain Apache Tribe in 2013 revised and updated their Wildland Fire Management Plan which established WUI boundaries, wildland fuel mitigation treatments and fire protection measures for White Mountain communities adjacent to the Fort Apache Indian Reservation as well as for the communities of Hon-dah and McNary, negating the need for further review in the 2016 SCWPP planning revision process for Navajo and Apache County Communities. Coconino County has decided to not include the community of Forest Lakes in the 2016 revision of the SCWPP. Therefore the 2016 revision of the SCWPP will reflect Navajo and Apache County communities within the SCWPP analysis area.
The Pinetop Fire District is a particpating agency in plan development and works to execute plan recommendations. To view the plan click here.
Top 10 States at Risk for Wildfires in 2015...
Wildfires are a serious risk to property and lives in every state in the country. Last year alone the National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC) reported there were 63,212 fires in the U.S. and Puerto Rico that burned 3,595,613 million acres – roughly the size of Connecticut. Read more…. https://www.claimsjournal.com/news/national/2015/04/29/263100.htmhttp://www.claimsjournal.com/news/national/2015/04/29/263100.htm
- Don’t become a statistic and protect your home. To schedule a free Firewise Home Inspection call (928) 367-2199.
Awareness Tip:
- Maintain your spark arrestor and don’t run power equipment on windy days. Learn more at SmokeyBear.com.
- It’s not if, but when the next wildfire will threaten our community. Learn how to get Fire Adapted at FireAdapted.org.
Awareness Tip:
- Never park your vehicle over dead grass, your catalytic converter can ignite the fuels and start a fire. Learn more at SmokeyBear.com.
- Protect your home from wildfire. Remove leaves and pine needles from your roof, gutters & deck. Learn more at Firewise.org, https://smokeybear.com/house-safety.asp., and http://interactive.firewise.org/.
Awareness Tip:
- If your campfire is too hot to touch, it's too hot to leave. Drown, stir, and repeat until it's cold.
- Learn more at SmokeyBear.com.
Where We Live, How We Live…Living with Wildfire in the Southwest. Learn more at FireAdapted.org.
Awareness Tip (Know before you go):
- Check current fire information at wildlandfire.AZ.gov or call (877) 864-6985.
- Check current fire restrictions at az fire restrictions.
- If fire danger is high, move items that will burn like wood piles, lawn chairs & grills away from your home. Learn more at Firewise.org.
Awareness Tip:
- Don't burn debris on windy days. Compost, chip or shred instead. Learn more at https://smokeybear.com/debris-burning.asp
Awareness Tip:
- Check your homeowners insurance to make sure you're covered for wildfire and flood damage. Visit https://www.floodsmart.gov/ for more information.
The Community Planning Assistance for Wildfire (CPAW) program works with communities to reduce wildfire risks through improved land use planning. The CPAW program is a joint partnership between Headwaters Economics and Wildfire Planning International. It is funded by grants from the USDA Forest Service and private foundations.
CPAW Final Recommendations: FINAL_CPAW_Pinetop-Lakeside_Report_2019_v3